BATCH 2 – VWASEM 2022 Virtual Webinar on Applied SEM and Future Research Directions (Applying Structural Equation Modeling Using SmartPLS in Behavior Change Research)

The first step of conducting a research is identifying a previously unexplored area of study. Choosing an untapped area in your research field will improve your chances of getting published. But the big question is: how to decide which research problem should you study? Some researchers have clear ideas about the research problem they want to pursue. However, researchers, particularly those who are at an early stage of their career, find themselves in a fix when they have to zero down on a research topic that is original and innovative. Join our virtual webinar as we walk you through the details of how to identifying a previously unexplored area of your study and how to applying SEM in behavior change research.

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The first step of conducting a research is identifying a previously unexplored area of study. Choosing an untapped area in your research field will improve your chances of getting published. But the big question is: how to decide which research problem should you study? Some researchers have clear ideas about the research problem they want to pursue. However, researchers, particularly those who are at an early stage of their career, find themselves in a fix when they have to zero down on a research topic that is original and innovative. Join our virtual webinar as we walk you through the details of how to identifying a previously unexplored area of your study and how to applying SEM in behavior change research.

Aim and Scope
This webinar is designed to familiarize with the potentials of using PLS-SEM in research. The first objectives of this course are to provide the knowledge of gap or an unexplored area of study and also provide a methodological introduction into the PLS-SEM approach (the nature of causal modeling, analytical objectives, some statistics) and the evaluation of measurement and structural model results.

Webinar Day
Saturday, 15 Februari 2022
13.00 – Selesai
Virtual Zoom Meeting

Key Features
Critical review and direction for future behavior change research
Understand the applicability of SEM-PLS in behavior change research
Certificate of attendance
Questions and Answers session
SEM-PLS training materials

Registration Fee
Free to Join

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